Success! Here's your code snippet

Copy and paste your code snippet inside your <head></head> tags

Copy code snippet

<script src="”//”" data-handypics-site-id="”129812832139972-4XY13-0918" "="" async></script>
<script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"> </script>

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Where do I add my code snippet?
Add your code snippet into the <head></head> tags on all the pages where you'd like HandyPics to grab your images.

E.g. if you have a blog and you'd like us to grab all article images, add it in to the header for your 'article' page template.
Do I need jQuery?
Your site needs to have jQuery in order for HandyPics to function correctly. Most website have jQuery, but if not, add the code to the left.
Help, it won't work!
Go to our tutorial page for more help, or write to
Step 1: Paste your code snippet
1. Place your code snippet in between the <head></head>  tags of the page that you'd like the overlay to appear on.
Step 2: Refresh your website
Once you've integrated your code snippet, your overlay should instantly be active. If this isn't the case, please contact us.
Step 3: Draw your maps
1. Place your code snippet in between the <head></head>  tags of the page that you'd like the overlay to appear on.